In Rockstar Portfolio Manager, players are promising multi-asset portfolio managers, shortlisted by a billionaire as candidates to manage his wealth. They are each given seed capital by the billionaire and have to build the largest value investment portfolio over the market cycles to prove their worth.
Every round unveils a new scenario (a random market cycle), to which players have partial information due to a game mechanism called "initial research". During a player’s turn (within the round), they resolve the payoffs associated with the scenario and their investment portfolios draws and plays action cards. They also have the option of re-balancing their portfolio to best position it for maximum investment gains in the future scenarios. When the last player for the round has finished their turn, the scenario is discarded and a new scenario card is unveiled in a new round.
The game ends when there are no scenarios cards and the last player has finished their turn. A player wins by having the largest portfolio value.
-description from publisher
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