
Playtime: 90 Minutes
Players: 2 – 6


Charles E. Inman, Gwendolyn S. Kearley


According to the Designer/Publisher:

SMUGGLE is a family action adventure board game that allows individual or team play. The winner is the first player to complete a major, minor, and short treasure route. Treasure Routes are diamonds, rubies, Inca Gold, Art Treasures, Mexican Silver, and money. Play is accomplished on a dual-action board game, with movement of Jetliners on the peripheral Treasure Runway, which dictate the movement of Treasure Seekers and Treasure Couriers along the Treasure Routes on the world map in the center of the board. When a Seeker reaches a Destination Foreign City (New York to Johannesburg for Diamonds), a suitcase which is color coded to the Treasure Route (Orange for Major Routes, Gold for Minor Routes, and Grape for Short Routes) is attached to the base of the Seeker, which becomes a Treasure Courier. The Courier then returns the Treasure (in the suitcase!) to the U.S. City of Embarkation. When the Courier reaches the Customs 12 Mile Limit it can’t move without declaring the treasure or making a smuggle attempt. SMUGGLE cards are collected to facilitate the smuggle attempts. Yin Yang Cards bring good fortune or bad fortune along the way. Each game has different dynamics. Gals can square off against the guys and youngsters like to beat up on the adults! There is interaction of players all along the Treasure Routes. All players are in the game until it is over. The play builds in excitement until the game-winning treasure is smuggled. Smuggle Masters can team up against Treasure Czars for two teams of three players. Three teams of two players include Border Jumpers, Port Runners, and Bootleggers. Or it can be everybody for themselves. Everything is color coded for quick visual reference as to players and pieces. Quick Start Rules supplement the Rules of Play to allow immediate play to begin.